The multimodal project consisted of two genres: position papers and a flyer. A position paper’s purpose was to argue your stance about a specific topic. My topic was about autism awareness/acceptance and I argued that people should be more educated about autism and I encouraged people to get evaluated and diagnosed. And because it was a position paper, it needed to include a counter-argument, mine being the cost of getting diagnosed and everything that is very expensive so a lot of people don’t acknowledge it. The paper had a much more extensive amount of information which is why my intended audience was parents who are interested in learning about the topic. The flyer, however, was more educational than argumentative. It had basic facts about autism and I included websites the audience could visit if they were interested in learning more. Although both genres were about the same topic, the amount of information and the way it was delivered was different due to the intended audience of each.
Position Paper Final- WFS.docx
(Flyer Voiceover)